The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98676   Message #2014832
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
02-Apr-07 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: Staithes Music weekend
Subject: RE: Staithes Music weekend

I dont think Tony has a web site for this event.
If there is one for the Loftus fc you may find details there.
If the format is the same or similar to last year
yOu come along to play and or listen session in one or two pubs in the Am.
Lunch sessions in pubs in afternoons
Tea time
Evening sessions
Kicking out time at pubs
Into the early hours with sessions in large hut on camp site.
There were no booked acts last year and I assume same this year from info at top of thread.
you need stamina and to be willing to enjoy yourselves and meet new people
It is brilliant.
How the devil is the lovely Maggie Gee?
She is such a nice lady and was one of the ones who made u feel so welcome last year.