The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100063   Message #2014991
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Apr-07 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: RosieO'Donnell&WillieNelson on 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: Rosie O'Donnell & 9/11
Everyone has the keenest desire imaginable for the real truth, Mick. There is no desire deeper in people than the desire to know what is going on. It is precisely that desire that makes people so passionate in their concern over controversial matters. People desperately want to know what is going on.

The trouble is, most of us have no recourse but to fall back on what a host of other people tell us. We rely on secondhand and thirdhand information and opinions disseminated mostly through the media. Only those directly involved in an incident know for sure what happened, and even many of them may not know for sure. Only a handful of them may know. If so, are they telling? And if so...who will give them air time? And without air time who will listen to them?

I have seen things that most people don't believe in once or twice in my life, and my telling people about them will not convince them of a darned thing, because I am not CNN. Okay? I'm not the President. I'm not NBC. I'm not NASA. I don't have official authority. It is the people who society has placed in certain powerful positions of authority who other people listen to. If those people lie...and they sometimes do...then most other people will believe them most of the time. They're in a much stronger position that way than you or I.

They could be lying about 911.