The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100400   Message #2015106
Posted By: Dave'sWife
03-Apr-07 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: True Stories of Folk
Subject: RE: True Stories of Folk
Meself, your description reminded me of a New year's eve party I went to at a real hollywood dive bar called Boardners. I believe it was 1995. Boardners attracted hard drinkers, film buff, and film inductry pros who don't make enough money to afford a house in Los Angeles abnd therefore live in apartments or rental homes near Hollwyood Blvd.

I was in a terribly cynical mood that night for some reason and was getting myself all huffed up to be annoyed by the repetative playing on the jukebox of Abba's Dancing queen until I looked around the room and saw people I knew dancing, laughing, having a wonderful time and one lone beautiful asian girl dancing gracefully by herself in the middle of the room, as if in a blissful trance. Some folks were sniggering at her at first by the third play of the song, damn if we didn't think the song was written just for her, for that night. Thankfully, whomever was controlling the jukebox allowed others to select other songs and I recall the next one was 'More than this' by Roxy music and the gal started dancing again. She was just so happy and completely at home there. It was like she cast a spell of trnaquility over what was a very rough crowd. I never found out who she was, but I've seen her again a few times over the years at carious film related gatherings. Boardners was is a hangout for down and out actors, writers, and the hollywood working class. I wish I knew who she was. Maybe she was a magical being.