The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100475   Message #2015689
Posted By: Uke
03-Apr-07 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: 'Uglies'
Subject: Folklore: 'Uglies'
Hi all,
I'm doing a bit of research into singsong-type music traditions (at the pub, party, back of the bus) and it strikes me that in their sometimes free-for-all chaos they could be compared to what is commonly called an 'ugly' in folk club/festival circles.

Would anyone care to hazard a definition of what an 'ugly' is? And why it is called an 'ugly' - ugly sound, ugly sight (?). Is it that they're just not 'beautiful' like a well-crafted stage performance?

Lastly does anyone recall when this term first appeared?
