The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97551   Message #2016446
Posted By: r.padgett
04-Apr-07 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Cleethorpes 07?
Subject: RE: Cleethorpes 07?
I have been reliably informed that the Winter Gardens is now a shell having had all the fitments including surplus banjo stands removed

The down side is that the proposed redevelopment has been shelved and so will remain a shell until someone decides otherwise

personally I would like to either a local authority of even a private initiative to restore the Winter Gardens to its former glory and even more

I cannot understand why a seaside resort such as Cleethorpes does not have a decent 'live entertainment' venue which is capable of hosting travelling shows, plays, musicals, dance, and all the other traditional sorts of entertainment of a general and family entertainment nature

Do the people of Cleethorpes such as Boarding house keepers and Hoteiers as well as the public houses keepers and breweries care that no one is bothered!

I would have thought a petition to the local MP and MEP or the council highlighting the death of this Lincolnshire Tourist resort is well over due!!

Ray Padgett