The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100488   Message #2017227
Posted By: KB in Iowa
05-Apr-07 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cannabis....any jokes?
Subject: RE: BS: Cannibis....any jokes?
Time, ah yes.

Once, many years ago, I stopped into my brothers dorm room. He and his friends had eaten some shrooms and were in a very interesting place. They had turned the digital clock upside down, just because they could. While I was there one of them noticed that the time was 8:58 and found it amazing that the time was the same upside down as right side up. At 9:06 they were entirely blown away when they realized that it had happened again. I said "yeah, that happens every eight minutes." They were all like, wow, no shit, that's really cool. I kind of hated to tell them that I was just funnin'. They were smoking doob, too, so this sort of fits in a cannibis thread.