The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100503   Message #2019153
Posted By: AWG
07-Apr-07 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Review: Celtic Woman
Subject: RE: Review: Celtic Woman
Although the ladies of CW are visually pleasing, it is strictly their TALENT that got them where they are. There would be no CW without the talent. They each worked with David Downes and had solo albums (quite successful ones) before he got them together for the Helix show in 2004. The whole point of CW is to showcase the talent. Of course it helps to have beauty, I mean, they ARE trying to sell DVD's and tickets to their shows. Anyhow, if the Irish 'traditionalists' don't approve, why are they all the rage in Ireland ?? One more thing Giok, Im not sure if you have watched the CW DVD, but although the women are beautiful (IMO), I may hesitate to describe them as having 'bodies to die for' (to quote you). They are just pretty ladies who can sing their butts off, and then CW management throws a little 'production value' into the mix....and voila ! Youve got a hit !