The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100584   Message #2019503
Posted By: dianavan
07-Apr-07 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Subject: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Bush has absolutely no scruples. I don't even know where to start on this one. He invades Iraq to set up a democracy and then turns against the democratically elected, Shiite majority government by arming the Sunnis. Now, even Israel is shaking their heads in amazement and wonder.

Maybe its not all about oil, maybe its about arms sales as well. This is absolutely diabolical. How can he justify destroying the Middle East. He has obviously sold his soul to the devil. No wonder terrorism is growing! Why should the U.S. and Britain get off scott free?

"It's not like the Israelis are going to end up with nothing," said a senior administration official, adding "the Israelis understand that it's in our interest and their interest" that the United States try to shore up military systems for Sunni Arab allies. But Israel is also concerned that the Bush administration's ambitions for an American-Israeli-Sunni coalition allied against Iran may never materialize, or that there could be a revolution in Saudi Arabia that would leave the mostly American-made Saudi arsenal in the hands of militant Islamists, the paper said."