The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100592   Message #2019809
Posted By: AWG
08-Apr-07 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: Please stay on subject !!
Subject: Please stay on subject !!
Hello everyone, just wanted to start my first thread as a new member of Mudcat forum. Throughout my travels in Mudcat, I have noticed something and would appreciate some feedback on the issue from some more 'experienced' members of this distinguished forum. For starters, why do people have such a hard time facing the issue at hand, and sticking to the subject ?? Lots of member-bashing, backstabbing, babbling on and on about nothing, and generally just a load of rubbish. The kicker was when I posted in the poverty thread (poverty in the USA). Offered an opinion, then sat back for about 50 posts reading rant after rant about how terrible I was, but never once did anyone offer something of substance (except maybe Dickie). No solutions, nothing about poverty at all. Just 'you have to read ALL the posts, your'e bad, yada yada). I would really appreciate it if in the future, people could stay on subject, and quit the childish antics. Thank you.