The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100592   Message #2019860
Posted By: John Hardly
08-Apr-07 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: Please stay on subject !!
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
It's not just your participles that are dangling. I think you have become subjunctive. There is no cure for being subjunctive. It's called "subjunctivitis". If you were to invitis to your subjunct, I would have to ask if it is a Chinese junct or something that you bought at a junct shop. Then I would ask what you serve aboard your sub junct. Sushi, perhaps? Then I would know if it was actually a junct or a Japanese vessel -- and I would know that you were being less than honest. Of course, my assessment would be subjective. I am, after all, a subject. At least, I am a subject whenever I follow an active verb. When I follow the verb to be, I become more objective.