The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100584   Message #2019945
Posted By: dianavan
08-Apr-07 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Subject: RE: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Ron - This is the only evidence I have, "the Israelis understand that it's in our interest and their interest" that the United States try to shore up military systems for Sunni Arab allies."

I may have made an assumption that 'Sunni Arab allies', included Iraqis but not necessarily Sunni Kurds. I have always wondered why the U.S. military seemed to target Shiites when the majority of the democratically elected government were Shiite. Why not target Sunnis?

Sure, it would be very nice if Iraqis included Sunnis, economically but after Saddam and the U.S., that isn't going to happen. Dream on. Why should it? At this point, their best chance is an Iranian, Kurd, Iraqi Shiite coalition.

Bush is doing everything he can to prevent that from happening.