The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100592   Message #2020009
Posted By: AWG
08-Apr-07 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Please stay on subject !!
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
Excuse me ?? To quote Don...' It was the same old "get a job" wheeze, AWG. Nothing new. Nor is ist realistic where real poverty exists. Often poverty exists because there are not jobs available. Or the jobs that are don't pay enough to support a person (buy food, pay rent'...First of all, were talking about the USA, aren't we, not some small village in southern Mongolia. There are plenty of jobs available in the USA, its just that people don't want to work for $8.00 per hour. Why not ? Its easier to sit around all day drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and collect a handout courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. Haven't you noticed, no matter how 'poor' some people are, they always have money for booze and smokes ?? The sooner people give up the bleeding-heart B.S. and stop treating poor people like invalids only capable of a handout, the sooner the USA will pull out of it's obvious downward spiral.