The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100572   Message #2020142
Posted By: Mickey191
08-Apr-07 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
The greatest thing My parents did: I was born with club feet. There was no money for surgery to correct this. My Mom & Dad made a deal with the surgeon to work his fee off. For one year they went to his house on Sundays; My Mom cooked a great dinner & served it and my Dad cut the huge lawn & did landscape work. Had they not done that I'd be crippled.

A boy in our neighborhood was born about 10 years later-he had the same affliction. His father was a lawyer & they owned a nice house. That kid was not operated on because of a "money problem." My heart would break seeing that boy hobbling along. I think of him still. I'll never understand it.