The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100534   Message #2020156
Posted By: Stringsinger
08-Apr-07 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: My apologies to everyone on this forum.
Subject: RE: My apologies to everyone on this forum.
AWG, you're welcome but I must tell you that you lost me on the other thread when you went off onto your economic rant.

" There are plenty of jobs available in the USA, its just that people don't want to work for $8.00 per hour. Why not ? Its easier to sit around all day drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and collect a handout courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer."

In the US today, $8.00 per hour is not a living wage. Drinking beer and smoking cigarettes may be the only pleasure that poor people can find in today's economy. I don't do those or like to be around it but I certainly understand why poor people need to distract themselves from the menial service jobs they are forced to take when they've lost their industrial jobs that used to pay higher when unions were strong and before the traitorous corporations went off-shore. The tremendous drain on the taxpayer has more to do with this disastrous occupation of Iraq, the corporate welfare where the rich get off scot-free without having to pay taxes, and the "handout" that you describe is the word used by corporate America gutting the Federal Government that could help the country get back on its feet by revitalizing cities like New Orleans and funding our public schools instead of trying to destroy them.

" Haven't you noticed, no matter how 'poor' some people are, they always have money for booze and smokes ??

I have noticed that much of the money that you are talking about is not available to do much else. Kids today on the streets of major cities find that they move into the drug trade because they can make a living wage that way. I have noticed that the drug trade supported by Afghan warlords and possibly the CIA has found a market in the wealthy abusers in the US.

I have noticed that the wealthy cigarette companies have lied and created the addiction that you deplore. I have noticed that the rich in the US are poor in generosity with CEO's ruining their companies by taking home disgustingly huge paychecks and robbing their employees blind. I have noticed that faith-based initiatives have done nothing to alleviate the suffering that goes on in the US poorer communities.

"The sooner people give up the bleeding-heart B.S. and stop treating poor people like invalids only capable of a handout, the sooner the USA will pull out of it's obvious downward spiral."

The sooner corporate-financed businesses start honoring the working-class unions, the sooner there is more of a level playing field for the opportunities for poor people, the sooner that the callous indifference toward the poor and the condemnation by the wealthy neo-cons and selfish Libertarians using terms like "bleeding heart BS" cease, the sooner
that those who are more fortunate realize that they stand to make their country better by serving "the least amoung us" (to quote a Christian bromide), the sooner our country can get back on its feet and will not continue the downward spiral.

AWG, I hope with your attitude that you are not the Average White Guy. If so, our country is sunk. Please don't apologize for loving the CW. But you might want to think about your propaganda about something you know nothing about, the working poor. There, an apology is in order.

Frank Hamilton