The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100584   Message #2020212
Posted By: dianavan
08-Apr-07 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Subject: RE: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Fair enough, Ron. Any policeman implicated in the murder of anyone (including Sunnis) should be prosecuted. I doubt if this is going to happen if Blackwater's people are beyond the law or if the U.S. can detain people illegally.

I didn't know the Shiite militia had infiltrated the Iraqi police. I thought the militia was acting on it own. Have there been Sunni murders by Shiite policeman? Is it common or have there been a few incidents or what? I want to know more about this.

What is the composition of the Iraqi police? I figured that there were not too many Sunnis due to the their disbanding when Saddam was overthrown. I didn't realize they were still being discriminated against. I thought they were actively being recruited.

Just how many innocent Sunni deaths have been attributed to Iraqi police?