The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100534   Message #2020668
Posted By: AWG
09-Apr-07 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: My apologies to everyone on this forum.
Subject: RE: My apologies to everyone on this forum.
Hey Peace, having a bad day ? Guess not, because today you wouldn't write rings around a six year old.....And to quote Dianavan.."In your AGW's little minimum wage budget you forgot a few things like medical premiums, dentist, laundry, household cleaners, furniture, small appliances, clothing and recreation. Oh, and don't forget tax. In my town, $750.00 gets you a decent studio apt. A three bedroom rents for about $1200.00, if you can find it. AGW's budget represents a child's view of life. Maybe someone would pay attention if the estimates were broken down to reflect reality. "........ Here's reality for you, medical premiums are government paid, the rest comes under etc. Household cleaners?...How much is a box of soap?? Furniture, ever heard of Buy, trade and sell?? Most apartments come with appliances. People earning that much pay very little tax, and get GST and Federal tax credits to help offset......As far as having credibility with Dickie, that's great, from what Ive read, he seems to have a grip on the issues, and speaks clearly and intelligently, without foul language and name calling. Try it sometime.