The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100584   Message #2021847
Posted By: Dickey
10-Apr-07 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming
Subject: RE: BS: Sunni-Arab-U.S. coalition forming

Iraqi women burnt alive

Iraq as a nation might have won its freedom three years ago but the plight of women has not changed with the changing times.

Due to the powerful political intervention of its neighboring country Iran, Iraq has not progressed much in the gender segregation issue. The situation is worse in Iran where women are considered as second-class citizens.

Iraqi society have since the last three years done quite a lot to protect women's right, however, due to the frequent attacks by the Shia and Sunni militias, women is no longer safe in Iraq.

All the courageous women who have come forward to fight for their fellow sisters are either sexually abused or killed by the militants. Currently, large number of women starting from Mosul to Basra is defying the religious norms of wearing the veil and this has instigated the militants of both the Sunni and Shia groups.

Unfortunately, due to the rigid Islamic law, Iraqi women today has to follow a strict dress code and anyone found guilty of violating the law is publicly humiliated, and sometimes the radical Shia leaders even goes to the extent of cutting off the offenders hair.

In most of the cities in Iraq, Shia and Sunni militias are stoning many women to death because they applied make-ups: many are brutally murdered for taking up jobs and even fatwa's are ordered to ban the Iraqi women from driving cars and walk in the streets without any male companion.

The only way to stop the escalating violence on the women is by getting help from the international community and powerful human right groups.