The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100651   Message #2022905
Posted By: Richard Bridge
12-Apr-07 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: Folkopedia
Subject: RE: Folkopedia
Robot - why don't you learn what you are talking about before shooting your mouth off. What you may prefer may (or may not, depending on your taste) be excellent, but it is not "folk".

It sounds to me as if what folkopedia is doing is quite simply exactly right - starting from the core of "folk" as defined by the academics and thereafter expanding to address the various other materials that are contiguous to "folk", and jurisdictions other than the host jurisdiction.

Adams, well said. It would be nice to see some attention to harmony as well as melody, and I would dearly love to see a resource with suggested melodies (preferably in a form I can play on the computer) for all of the Child ballads.   They would not have to be "folk" melodies but should by sympathetic in style (compare the Lykewake dirge, not a Child of course, but trad words with a C19th melody that sounds traditional)