The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100651   Message #2022960
Posted By: johnadams
12-Apr-07 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: Folkopedia
Subject: RE: Folkopedia
George Papavgeris wrote:

Johnny, perhaps in days to come you will consider setting out two specialist song sections, if you feel it appropriate: One for shanties, and one for hunting songs. The first of those should also give an early "hook" for links with other cultures, as so many were copied by/from America, the Carribean, the Netherlands etc. And when (years from now) the catchment era spreads to the 20th century, my vote goes first to songs of Tyneside and the North East of England generally - there's gold in them thar songs.

George, that's already factored in. If you look at the contents list at you'll see sections for Hunting and Poaching songs and Sea Songs, categories derived by Pete Wood from, I think, Peter Kennedy's book. The categories are there awaiting input.

But a brilliant idea already. I suggest that lecturers at the folk courses are encouraged to contribute; and the dissertations of the students should also be considered for inclusion.

Vic Gammon, who is the Senior Category Editor for Song, has already offered to include Folkopedia contribution as an assessed element on one of the modules on the Folk Music degree at Newcastle University.

Regards, J