The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700   Message #2023225
Posted By: Bee
12-Apr-07 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
Good ol' Frank - I miss him.

I am the anti-Woo. I don't necessarily think people like the chiropracter are lying, but I think they delude themselves in various ways. A lot of modern Western New Age Woo (IMO) is a rehashing of mangled Eastern and Shamanistic philosophies and practices, mixed in with some odd Christian mythologies and old fashioned Spiritualism and a little junk 'science', so we get angels, spirit guides, auras, channelling, distance healing, laying on of hands, homeopathy, Reiki, and all of that, none of which, again in my opinion and from my observation, is in any sense real or effective (meaning 'having an effect on the physical').

I've seen too many friends get caught up in these practices, and it is only by luck and the healing abilities of the human body that they don't suffer serious harm. In some cases, they do suffer serious harm in not getting proper treatment for real life threatening conditions. Having seen a young woman die of breast cancer after refusing any medical treatment in favour of homeopathy, Reiki and other 'natural' remedies, I am no longer able to politely say 'Oh how nice' to anyone who favours such practices.