The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700 Message #2023234
Posted By: Mickey191
12-Apr-07 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
Joe, think you're lucky to have the lady for your own personal Dr. Does she adjust you?
Daylia, thanks for good wishes & I've met the pitchfork guy on this plane-gave him the pointed boot out.
Amos, As always you make perfect sense. But--I did engage her further.She does readings whilst contacting the dead. I said "Like John Edward?" "Yes, but my friends say I'm better then J.E." No ego problem there! I'm wondering if she has a profitable side business. Mistress of seances?
Kat, I may have stated that wrongly. She sees my aura & then spoke of the 2 men. I just put them all together.
Bee, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm too level headed to be swept up in this "stuff." Though I've met more then my share of Medical Drs. who've mistreated,misdiagnosed & even lied about their fees. I seem to attract them. The degrees on the wall mean nothing until you've had interactions. Lost one breast because of misdiagnoses. That bastard is still out there practicing.
I wonder if these two aliens accompany me to the bathroom?