The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700 Message #2023603
Posted By: dianavan
12-Apr-07 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
"Not all chiropractors are into auras, chanting, and such. In fact, none of the chiropractors I know are involved in this kind of thing."
Lets start there. You went to a chiropractor for an adjustment, right? Did you ask her for a psychic reading of any kind?
I think adjusting your back, auras and spirit guides are three different things and I don't think anyone should offer unsolicited advice. Its intrusive and shows a lack of respect for personal boundaries.
Frankly, I would never go to a chiropractor. I prefer physio.
I also see auras and understand spirit guidance. I would not, however, tell someone the colour of their aura unless they asked me and I don't generally tell people that I can see auras because I can only vaguely understand their meaning.
Spirit guides are something else. I have never heard of being able to see the spirit guide of someone else and I've never heard of more than one guide. I'm not going to go into it here but lets just say that spirit guides are highly personal. You may be able to help someone find their guide but to tell someone what it is, seems a bit condescending.
It sounds to me as if this person has boundary issues. Beware of false prophets or as coyote says, "There will always be people who say they can do things that they cannot do."