The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700 Message #2023744
Posted By: Mickey191
12-Apr-07 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
Folks, I thank you all for your thoughts. As I said, this Dr. helped me when MDs & a hospital could not. My orthopedist referred me to one of his partners who is a chiropractor & physical therapist. I went because I assumed he'd give adjustments. Keep in mind I was in agony. It was so bad the ER gave me oxycodene (sp.) but wouldn't admit me. "We don't admit people just because they have pain!" Brilliant!
The P.T. would not do adjustments-wanted me to start a regime of therapy. I needed pain relief - the drive alone to Ct.almost finished me. Thank the stars I found this chiropractor. After 7 wks in bed - she got me moving. I do expect this to have the same outcome. I'm feeling better today. So if chanting makes her more effectual-Baby I'm staying the course.