The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700   Message #2024025
Posted By: *daylia*
13-Apr-07 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
Re spirit guides -- for what it's worth, I've been told I have four of them. One is a little blonde girl about 6 years old, whose job is simply to cheer me up at critical moments (I tend toward ultra-seriousness and depression)

Now I don't believe in much, but I have seen this little blonde girl in my dreams many many times throughout my life, and I never knew who she was. ANd I always wondered why, in the middle of some god-awful painful circumstance or argument or whatever, all of a sudden the stupidest silliest thoughts pop into my head without warning and make me laugh

ie Holy Hairy Flippins!!!!   


I was given a few details about 2 more of my guides at one point, but I don't remember the info now. Which just goes to show how very vital having conscious knowledge about my guides is, in my daily life


And the 4th one would not reveal him/her/itself at all. Apparently it would not have been in my highest good to be given that information, at the time - or, that's what I was told.

Hmmmmmmm ..... maybe he looks like Tom Cruise, and that would be much too distracting or something
