The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100741   Message #2024145
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie
13-Apr-07 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Anyone remember Brian Whitmee?
Subject: Anyone remember Brian Whitmee?
Does anyone here remember the singer Brian Whitmee, I only ever saw him once at a folk club in Huddersfield back in 1984. He did a marvellously funny parody of the Bobby Goldsboro song 'Honey'.
I eventually got the words to the song from Geoff (Mr. Cleckheaton) Pickles who knew him. The thing is Geoff wasn't sure whether Brian actually wrote the song himself or if he got it from someone else? I'd like to know because I do the song regularly and like to give credit where it's due, can anyone out there help me?