The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3687   Message #202478
Posted By: GUEST,wavestar
28-Mar-00 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Lady of Shalott (Tennyson/McKennitt)
Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The Lady of Shallott
Loreena McKennit's version is actually true to the original in the verses she sings, but she skips out about seven verses, if I recall... As for what actually happens, the curse is unspecified, but she is not to look out and see anything that the magic mirror does not show her, or it will crack... she dies because she lweaves the tower and the magic, not because of the curse. She falls in love, and dies of her love..

I'd love to here Anne Lister's version... where can I get it?
