The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100784   Message #2025619
Posted By: Soldier boy
14-Apr-07 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Subject: RE: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Jim Dixon it is obvious that you started this thread to be some kind of self-important,puffed up, controversial,devil's advocat,stirring up trouble over the pond.

The fact that the piece quoted is not by your (unfair) hand is immaterial, it is still a deliberate and intentional attempt to besmirch the good name of UK Folk Festivals.

Other contributors have been very tolerant and gentlemanly with you but this makes my blood boil!
I am probably rising to your over-inflated challenge and falling into your trap, but who cares, here's a piece of my mind.

The scenario described by Duncan McLean(a Scot)is more akin to English football supporters abroad and has absolutely no resemblance to the typical folk scene in the UK.
As skipy says, any trouble is usually created by the local drinking fraternity and never by the easy going,merry and convivial folkies.

I have never in all my years attending British folk festivals come across the behaviour described in your opening diatribe,
True UK folkies never look for trouble and fights do not break out. If they did they would vote with their feet and never return to that festival again, and bad news travells fast.

Also,in my experience, the average temperate UK musician/singer will pace themselves so that they will not become too inebriated to spoil their ability to play instruments or to sing.
And if they do they will soon be frowned upon or ignored by the rest of the people in the session.

And as for copulating in the streets I think someone has been reading too many novels set in 19th Century London!

So come on Jim, you said you want to go to festivals described by Duncam McLean. This is either tongue-in-cheek or you are one sad person. Either way you won't find what you are looking for in the UK!