The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100784   Message #2025716
Posted By: GUEST,Nick
15-Apr-07 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Subject: RE: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Soldier Boy I think you are welll off base on this, in that you are being unfair to Jim.

"Jim Dixon it is obvious that you started this thread to be some kind of self-important,puffed up, controversial,devil's advocat,stirring up trouble over the pond." ??????

He said he found it, did not write and said fair or not it was vivid writing. Realy who has an axe to grind against folk fests?

Sometimes folkies get a bit full of themselves, as we all do. And your charge at Jim? I think it is one of those times.
Cut him some slack.