The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100784   Message #2025913
Posted By: GUEST,puck
15-Apr-07 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Subject: RE: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Jim ...this has not been my experience of British folk events of any sort. Yes we drink,and yes we do get invovled at all levels,singarounds, sessions, particularly chorus singing even in concert events, and booze is an integral part of the joy. This is in stark contrast to my experience of folk across the Atlantic. I refer to a two week holiday orgaised around the Cape Breton/Nova Scotian Celtic Connections a few years ago. There was zero audience participation whatsoever... everyone sat in rows sitting quietly - tapping feet was the most anyone was allowed to do. Transatlantic folk music was served up on a plate, even the late night venue was treated as an audience event and you talk of no-one listening to the music and just being interested in the booze lingering memory is of trying to listen to Tony Mcmanus [ probably the finest and most subtle guitarist on this earth ] stopping mid-tune to beg the audience to shut up and listen. Unfortunaely he was ignored as the audience hadn't even notiged that he had stopped playing. Sad overall advert for Canadian Folk and folk.
Likelihood is your experience was a one off,esp. the fights, as indeed I hope mine was. Sadly I fear that participating in singarounds or sessions is limited or non existent across the water. Please prove me wrong.