The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100784   Message #2026405
Posted By: Soldier boy
15-Apr-07 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Subject: RE: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Sorry Jim Dixon. Must have had ANOTHER bad-humour night.
Didn't mean too fly off the handle and get too personal or insult you.
It's just that when I saw your opening thread and the article you quoted I guess I saw red and went into defensive mode to protect and defend my precious Isle.
I am still not sure if you meant to stir things up over the pond but from your reply I gather (and hope) that you did'nt and did not expect such a stinging reply.
So please do have an answer and come back to this thread.
In true British style I apologise for my comments and respect your point of view.
It's actually a good debate but it does show how the MEDIA does go for the jugular when they consistently choose to focus only on bad and negative news.
What's wrong with good news where we can applaud our achievements?
Anyway, why would you really "WANT TO GO" to such a Festival as described in your opening thread?