The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100784   Message #2026573
Posted By: Betsy
16-Apr-07 - 06:08 AM
Thread Name: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
Subject: RE: Is this what a UK folk festival is like?
I've been to loads of festivals , been in Inverness when the MOD ( Spelling/Abbreviation ?)was on,which was a bit too lively for me drink-wise. The MOD (with apologies as noted earlier),is purely a gathering for Gaelic culture in Scotland and it changes venues yearly. Again ,apologies,I never witnessed anything like what has been written in Mr McCleans account, and I am definitely not seeking to shift responsibility from a Folk festival to the MOD.I've been to Carrbridge ,Inverness Fest,even been up to Thurso Festival (far North ) where many of the venues were alcohol-free held in schools and the like, so , I don't know how Folk Festivals (or as I roped them in) the MOD is getting tarnished with this account.
Foe example in England,in all its 25+ years running, the now defunct(new location) Redcar Festival, the organisers never discovered had any drug use/misuse,apart from one occasion when one couple were discovered in the audience smoking a joint. They were instantly ejected without refund.
I can't tell Mr.McClean what he saw, but, Jim Dixon (the Thread opener) says "Fair or not it's a vivid piece of writing".
My only comment is : if it is vivid , what the Fuck does "Couples copulated up close " mean ? Did we expect thenm to doi it remotely / or at a short distance - the mind boggles !!!!