The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100451   Message #2027724
Posted By: The PA
17-Apr-07 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: April things at the Bull, Barton, Beds
Subject: RE: April things at the Bull, Barton, Beds
Guest – 17.04.07 07.04

The pony was somersaulted through the air by an asshole in a car. The road through the village was closed for five hours. The vets fought to save the pony's life, but unfortunately she had to be put down at the side of the road. She was my 16 year old son's first pony and had been in the family for years. At the time she was being ridden by an 11 year old girl, who luckily was thrown clear. After all the trauma of the accident I sat with my friend on the grass verge with the dead body of the pony under a sheet, waiting for her to be collected.
We were totally backed up by the police as having done absolutely nothing to have caused this accident.

You have to be commended on having such a sunny disposition that you can find humour in this situation. Excuse me if I don't, infact I find anyone who can make jokes about such an event to a complete bastard.

Ross, sorry to upset you usually jolly thread. I'll be back when I feel better.