The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700 Message #2027878
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Apr-07 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
Anyone can make conclusions about Physics, BB, because physics is based on scientific observation and analysis. I agree with you that no one can make conclusions about metaphysics, however.
Ian, you wrote: "would your chiropractor be willing to have her aura sighting put to real rigour and analysis? Would another claimer to seeing auras be able to see precisely the same thing without prior contact with her? Could her claims be subject to a double blind trial? Or would any such question of medical efficacy be met with vague excuses that such things wouldn't apply because blah mumbo jumbo?"
Ian, who really GIVES a shit? Who would bother? How does the chiropractor's personal perception of auras cause a problem in your life? Whom does it threaten? Why the f*ck do you even CARE about it, unless your inner desire is to force or browbeat every other person in the world into only believing the things you happen to believe about reality?
It is the fact that skeptics such as yourself are consistently attracted to subjects like this like flies to road kill, and arrive full of enthusiasm to dump their scorn upon such subjects that pisses me off. That's why I object to your attitude. You know nothing about it, you have no personal experience, yet you wish to dominate other people with your version of reality because that satisfies some inner need you have to be "right" and make other people "wrong". Face it, buddy, you don't KNOW if there are auras, and you probably never will, and there's not a damn thing you will ever be able to do about it.
You're a pest, frankly. And so are the others of your "ilk" (to use a word that's popular on this forum).