The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2029848
Posted By: Bobert
19-Apr-07 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
A recent study on income distribution in the US found some striking information... In this recent period where poverty rates are on the rise, the rishest 10% corral 44% of the "taxable" income (1) which is the highest percentage since the 1920's and 1930's... What happened then was the rise of "labor unions" which gave rise to the middle class... But this study went even further and this perhaps is where the rub comes into play in finding that the richest 1% now corral a whopping 17% of pre-tax income (ibid)!!! In 1980 the upper 1% brought in 8% of pretax income (ibid)!!!

This trend is disturbing and while not explaining why the poverty rates are rising, must be at the very least factored it...

Now I do not begrudge people making money and, yes, I do realize that the richest 10% pay half the federal taxes but it should also be pointed out that evn after paying these taxes they are rich beyond 90% iof wage earners wildest dreams...

And, yes, I agree that if we tax folks too much then there will be no incentive for folks to try to get ahead... But my problems with the ruling class is that the governemnt--- yes, the same governemnt that has been cutting programs for the poor-- has tilted the playing field for the rich... In a dmocracy, everyone is supposed to have the same level of access but that has been disappearing in porportion to the increase of wealth by the ruling class... This, IMO, is why poverty rates on on the increase...

Like Janie said... It is about "power" and the rich have all the power and thus, "access" to the folks who make the rules... And the rules have been increasingly going in favor iof the rich...

So, yeah, I've spoken of a "revolution" and, yeah, I guess that's what ity's going to take to get the governemnt to create opportunites for ***everyone***... If we would just level the playing field of "power" then thwe programs would return because they are the ***only*** tools to "repair" the conditions that have led to an increase of poverty...
