The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100881   Message #2031940
Posted By: GUEST
21-Apr-07 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: What's Happening with EFDSS?
Subject: RE: What's Happening with EFDSS?
The EFDSS really has to do something to make it relevant to the majority of people. I have been involved with folk music for 40 years but I've never felt that EFDSS had anything to offer me. I did join it briefly, because I felt I ought to, but realised I was getting nothing from it apart from a rather academic journal, and I let my membership lapse.

When I lived near London I'd occasionally make the journey out to Camden Town but C#H always seemed totally dead - hardly anyone about, and a poorly-stocked shop with a just handful of records and books, mostly about dance. I came away feeling I'd had a wasted journey and have never bothered since - especially after I moved north 25 years ago.

The impression I had of it back then was that it was full of old farts who were mainly interested in D4D. Apart from hosting the library, it appeared to do little for song, which was and remains my interest.

In fairness, that was a long time ago and I'm now an old fart myself.   But I've seen very little effort from EFDSS to try to attract me. Most of the events and projects I've been involved with have been run by enthusiasts without involving EFDSS.