The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2032399
Posted By: robomatic
22-Apr-07 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
I agree that the title of this thread is somewhat extreme but I don't take it seriously (whether or not the originator did). I think that Teribus' statement of 28 Mar 07 - 06:11 AM was an excellent statement of the situation, and the attacks on Teribus afterwards were cheap shots which did not accurately reflect the argument. We are in a situation where the nuclear cat is out of the bag and no one (except, to an extent, the United States) has made an attempt to put it in a cage. The day could come where some sort of mini nuke or dirty bomb could be used in a terror plot. We've already seen Arab on Kurd and Arab on Arab use of chemical weapons including chlorine bombs just in the past few weeks.

I think there are more peaceful ways of dealing with Iran, but it is undeniable that Iran is under the Political authority of people who are the equivalent of Nazis. They administer justice on their own people with personal terror squads.