The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100881   Message #2032541
Posted By: The Sandman
22-Apr-07 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: What's Happening with EFDSS?
Subject: RE: What's Happening with EFDSS?
I am blaming past EFDSS directors for mistaken policy decisions [including in my opinion the decision not to relocate Cecil Sharp House],nothing more nothing less.[who else is to blame].
the point is that if efdss are not running festivals they are missing business oppurtunities.
only an idiot businessman would close down or get rid of their branches.
BB .The fact Ron taylor had one booking at sidmouth,proves nothing one swallow does not make a summer.
Unaccompanied english language solo singing is becoming marginilised,with the exception of IRELAND Where partly due to Comhaltas competitions it is flourishing,along with unaccompanied singing in the IRISH is the responsibility of EFDSSS toPRESERVE ALL FORMS OF english Traditional song.
Finally it is agood thing if efdss can be discussed in an amicable fashion,I am not against EFDSS but lessons can be learned from past mistakes.