The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100700 Message #2032619
Posted By: Wolfgang
22-Apr-07 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Auras and Chanting
Subject: RE: BS: Auras and Chanting
Everyone can easily see "auras". They are a necessary byproduct of the normal visual process though if one does not pay attention to them one may not realise they are there. They are better seen in a relaxed and not thinking-straight state of mind. It is easy to explain where they come from. They are not hallucinations in the usual sense but they have no correspondence in the outside world.
As mostly, Little Hawk gets is completely wrong, for there is really no skeptic who knows what he's talking about who'd tell him that his experiences with auras not real. That would be utter nonsense. They are of course real in the same way as afterimages, moire patterns, apparent bending of straight lines at intersections etc. are real. Skeptics only point to a completely different interpretation.