The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100983   Message #2032674
Posted By: Amos
22-Apr-07 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Computers in the Visual Media
Subject: RE: BS: Computers in the Visual Media
Shimrod, it is evident you haven't spent much time with a command-line interface. Modern retail systems are all laden with whizz-bang point-and-click, drag-and-drop, iconically endowed graphic interfaces. These are very expensive in terms of processing cycles.

Most hardcore hackers are very familiar with complex text constructions of the UNIX command line interface, which allows a knowledgeable user to translate complex computer actions into lines of very dense text instructions. Most of this is done in a simple ASCII window, and a lot of fast typing is typical. But you have to know what to type.

Prior to 1984, all computers (well, almost all) were operated through a command line interface. If you wanted to copy a file, in these pre-Mouse days, you typed in "A:myfile.txt pip B:copymyfile.txt" (in a CPM operating system) or something similar. You could move files, dump strings into a computers display window, log in to remote computers (rlogin Farnet/farcomputer/hisdisk/) transfer files across networks, and so on. The full range of capabilities in a UNIX text-based command set is quite awesome. But the composition of the commands would make a mortal man's head spin.