The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100453   Message #2032846
Posted By: Charley Noble
22-Apr-07 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Bumboats (Burt Franklin Jenness)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bumboats (Burt Franklin Jenness)
More revisions to the last verse:

If there's reward for toil and strife,
    When comes the final test:
For cheering up a sailor's life,
    The Bumboatman's the best;
And when he gets to St. Peter's Gate,
    That realm beyond the sky,
They'll wave him through with no delay
    When they hear his cry:

And we now have a link to my website where you can hear a sample of how this song sounds: Click here and search for MP3 Sample!

It's a fun song! I'm not sure where I channeled the tune from.

Charley Noble