The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100451   Message #2033283
Posted By: The PA
23-Apr-07 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: April things at the Bull, Barton, Beds
Subject: RE: April things at the Bull, Barton, Beds
Hi everybody, I'm back again, in a better frame of mind this week. The driver who killed my pony has been charged with driving without due care and attention, careless driving and dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an accident, or a combination of all of them. The police think he could be banned. Personally I'm past caring, nothing will bring Sixpence back.

However on a lighter note, I'm quite worried about my husband and also my friends father. My husband went out on Friday afternoon to purchase a sensible family car - yesterday he went back to the garage to test drive a Peugeot 307 cabriolet! My friends father is taking his motor bike driving test this week and is awaiting delivery of a motor bike the size of a small detached house!

Is this a man thing? Help!!!