The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100451   Message #2033312
Posted By: The PA
23-Apr-07 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: April things at the Bull, Barton, Beds
Subject: RE: April things at the Bull, Barton, Beds
Well at the moment we have a Rover, and its a bit of a squeeze when we go on holiday, so off we went to get a bigger car. First of all it was the Ford Focus cabriolet, but the girlie at the showroom could only say she couldnt hear the engine with the roof down cost she has her music everso loud, her auntie loved it and was going to get one - or was that an Astra? and it didnt blow her hair around as much as the Ford Puma (seriously Cathie this is the truth and no she was not blonde) After that we went to Vauxhall, but the cabriolet there belonged to the MD's wife so we couldnt look at it. So off we went to Peugeot to a nice man called Daniel. The rest is history !!!!!!!!!!!! I think's he's gone mad.

John and the motor bike something else. He told Carol he was looking for another interest, other than gardening and golf, she thought computers or fishing - he thought motorbikes !

I'm off to scale mount everest back by teatime !