The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19704 Message #203381
Posted By: Jim Krause
29-Mar-00 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Playing open strings OK on fiddle?
Subject: RE: Playing open strings OK on fiddle?
No, I don't think so, radriano. Here in the midwest, although most tunes are indeed played in first position, there is quite a large body of tunes in C, F, or even Bb that require the use of the fourth finger. See RP Christessen's "Missouri Old Time Fiddler's Repertoiry" for examples. This brings up one of my pet peeves. Why don't more fiddlers learn to play in singer's keys? I have begun exploring F, Bb, and Eb, and have found them not that difficult when the index finger is thought of as a capo for the fiddle. If you think that way, you quickly realize that the fingering positions repeat themselves, and you will find fimiliar patterns in different places on the fingerboard. Try playing a first position Bb major scale starting on the A string, and see what I mean. The finger pattern will be identical to the A major scale.