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Thread #101030   Message #2033956
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
23-Apr-07 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
That building could not have been wired in hours. It was a building built on top of a con-ed generator building. A 47-story lattice of enormously heavy steel girders sunk into bedrock. Plus, the govt said it was on fire, so why would people have been allowed inside with explosives during a fire? It was not wired on the day of the event, nor could it have been wired on a single day under the best of circumstances.

The way the govt dealt with the issue was to not talk about it. The collapse of WTC 7 is not even discussed in the NIST report. Yet the lease holder, Silverstein, squeezed out a crocodile tear and said they were forced to "pull" it...a demolition term.

Impossible to have wired it, yet admittedly demolished (by Silverstein and now by Kerry), so this is a problematic area. Who wired it, and when? And why did the government lie about the circumstances surrounding its collapse? And MOST importantly, if they lied about the collapse of THIS building, then what else did they lie about regarding 9/11?

What'd it take...a day or two for Bush to put that fat old gangster Tom Ridge in charge of an investigation into the Virginia Tech shootings? (Ridge is a coverup expert). Yet it took 411 days for Bush to appoint a commission to look at 9/11..."the day that changed America forever."

Kerry just put his foot in it bigtime. Then he said it wasn't in his "jurisdiction." A freakin' U.S. Senator, and 9/11 isn't his problem. His career is over because of this. I just hope he now spills the beans on what REALLY happened on 9/11.