The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100983   Message #2034145
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
24-Apr-07 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Computers in the Visual Media
Subject: RE: BS: Computers in the Visual Media
I have heard that the real professionals are getting upset with TV shows like 'Numbers' etc because in the 'Real World' things just don't happen so fast and neat...

and every wanker 'know-it-all' who's ever watched such shows causes them real pain in real cases "get a DNA test!" (rain washed it away!!!) etc...


And in movies like 'Hackers' - real techies are often heard to rant - "Oh, he's logged into an IBM mumble mumble using a VT52 and that terminal doesn't do colour"... or similar geek stuff...
