The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101008   Message #2034649
Posted By: greg stephens
24-Apr-07 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Hank Wedel and Ray Barron at Swinton
Subject: RE: Hank Wedel and Ray Barron at Swinton
Ray Barron and Hank Wedel are living legends in Cork. They have played nearly every Monday for more than ten years in Charile's, an extraordinary bar on Union Quay( by the Lobby, another great Cork musical venue in the past though currently closed). Union Quay is a great place to have a short ramble along the RIver Lee, as there are four bars in a row! The clientele at Charlie's is a remarkable mix, from local waterfront lowlife to tourists from all over the world. Ray and Hank's repertoire is magnificently ecletic, you get Paul Simon, John Prine, Chuck Berry, Eagles, trad. Whatever floats into Hank's head. Hank is the singer, an American long resident in Cork and a very groovy rock guitarist(well, any kind of guitarist really). Ray is Irish, a mandoline superstar, and also plays with the extraordinary Two Time Polka. The duo do occasional tours on the continent, but this is a very rare chance to see them in the England. I would very very strongly recommend anyone to go and check them out. Their CD "Where the Bottles Break" is one of the very few records I play repeatedly.