Hmm.. I already introduced myself to you poor longsuffering people once, but will again...I'm in Vermont when I'm home, which is now, halfway down the VT NH border right on the Connecticut... My second home, but I love it. Quiet, dark at night so I can see both stars and northern lights, lots of community theatre and people with good tastes in music, and close enough to Dartmouth College that there are still occasionally things going on. Susan, what's the name of your restaurant? Weather here is moody, but for the last week has been mostly quite warm and lovely, occasionally rainy, and good sugaring weather. Not bad for lambing either.
When I'm not at home, I'm at the University of St Andrews, in St Andrews, Scotland. Fife is beautiful- I miss hills and trees, particularly trees, but I like the sea, and the rocky headlands. Weather when I left for break was gorgeous, the ground was swathed in daffodils and covered in a sea of crocuses, and the sun actually *gasp* shone! Every day for a week.
I'm a student, for all those who hadn't guessed, raised on folk music and love it... I run a bardic circle for the local SCA group, have my own theatre company in the summer in Vermont (sun, heat, humidity, and skinny dipping every night!) and only recently became addicted to Mudcat.
But I'll shut up now.