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Thread #101030   Message #2034863
Posted By: GUEST,Scary Kerry
24-Apr-07 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
This will be the 6th attempt by NIST to address what happened at WTC 7. None of the reasons make sense. That's why they keep changing the story.

I can run the photos of WTC 5 & 6 again, if people need that. Burned out steels husks still standing until they were methodically demolished. WTC 7 has NO fire coming out of it on 9/11, when compared to 5 & 6, and the only difference between 7 and the others was that it was MORE sturdy than any other bldg in the complex.

Ebbie...for the tenth time I'll post this. It is such common knowledge now that it's even on your beloved Wikipedia govt brainwashing site:

The Real ID act started off as H.R. 418, which passed the House (261-161-11) and went stagnant. It was then attached as a rider on a military spending bill (H.R. 1268) by Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R) of Wisconsin (the author) and was voted upon (100-0). It was signed into public law (109-13) on May 11, 2005.... (click on the 100-0 link to see the names of the unanimous voters).

The Senate has voted 100-0 on several rights-killing laws, but look at the one above. Research it. The U.S. Senate voted unanimously that you won't be able to work, drive, have a bank account, enter a federal building, etc. unless you have your Nazi-style papers on you.

The Real I.D. Act is such a stinking turd that the U.S. govt ran this bit of terrorism the day after it was signed into law:

...As the plane approached, authorities evacuated the White House and other federal buildings.

"Run, this is no joke, leave the grounds," a Secret Service agent told CNN's Suzanne Malveaux....

The plane incident was the thing that made believers out of the holdouts in my family (I'd convinced about half that govts through history terrorize their own to create support for policy, as the US military-industrial complex did on 9/11). And on May 12, 2005, those holdout members of my family were regurgitating on me tha "fact" that a "pilot" had flown a Cessna over D.C., and "you'd think after 9/11 that couldn't happen." So I printed out the story and had them read it. A FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR was in the plane (talking heads failed to mention that on TV), visibility was perfect, and the instructor was flying toward the most recognizable landmarks in the U.S. Zero possibility of it being a "mistake." Yet the feds got 35,000 federal employees to panic and run for the cameras the DAY AFTER A LAW WAS ENACTED TO FORCE NAZI INTERNAL PAPERS ON AMERICANS. And now, when I mention the Real I.D. Act to people, and they don't know about it, I ask if they remember the Cessna. They do. I pick up the story from there.