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Thread #101030   Message #2034938
Posted By: Peace
24-Apr-07 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry acknowledges WTC7 demolition
I agree that the news people screwed up.

But, I had never seen that footage before a few months ago, Bill. Footage I did see way back when has Silverstein (? hope I'm not screwing up that name) saying, "we pulled it". Guilani said something similar. The expression IS used by blasters. (I have a good friend here who worked as one for years.) I know of few other uses for the term in that context. Professionals who have to drop buildings take their time. It does take days to get a structure to fall straight down. Gravity alone, and the so-called pancaking where one floor falls to the next (ad infinitum) makes a building fall straight down--well, three out of three times by chance? Nope, even physics doesn't explain that. The hard questions about 9/11 have been ignored. I will agree that many of the conspiracy theories out there are 'out there', but that doesn't mean that all the theories out there are 'out there'.

The thing that makes me distrust government studies and makes me believe that people can be convinced of anything is Kennedy's assassination. The puff of smoke from the bushes on the knoll has never been satisfactorily explained. It has caused people who ask about it to be ridiculed, but the question still remains. It is possible to tell people what they see, and I think the Rule of 48 proves that. The best intelligence services in the world do their thing and the best people get about 9/11 is that mistakes happened. Doh, yeah!

A normal DOT investigation into a plane crash can take over a year. The plane, as much as can be salvaged, is reconstructed and to the best of their abilities, the investigators determine what caused the crash. Hell, play this game!

It's another grassy knoll. We are told what we see (or DON'T see) is not there or is.

So, while I'll say I think the news story was a screw up as some of you have said, it was never that news story that made me think something just ain't right.