The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101044   Message #2034949
Posted By: Donuel
24-Apr-07 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Free speech- IF they agree with you
Subject: RE: BS: Free speech- IF they agree with you

Free speech is for corporations first.

It was decided in court that corporations are living entities entitled to free speech. (this limits their liability by the way)

Corporate media companies have abolished the fairness doctrine and are seeking total deregulation from any anti trust laws and liability to the public for any reason.

Media and portions of the goverment are seamless entities.

When the Constitutions was written it was not forseen that free speech would first serve mega media monoplies so that one view, one idea, one version would be spread among the masses.

but thats what we have today.

free speech for the individual is frought with peril.
Depending on what you say the full force of the Federal Goverment can be brought to bear. Afterall the new courts have ruled that reasonable cause is any damn thing they can think up before during and after the vilation of your civil rights and privacy.

Do I think I am being "oppressed" by the system? I don't think I am important or rich enough to be oppressed.
But the NSA still has a record of all my calls, the FBI has a file on me because I talked to some important people and anything I check out from the library is freely given to homeland security and FBI without my being told.

Now we have sneak and peek legal for all law inforcement entities.

Yeah I'm free to speak, but far from the original intent of the US COnstitution.